When All Good Witches Have Cats* failed as a short standalone practice test comic, it was inevitable that another project would eventually take its place.

In July 2021, Untitled Kaiju Project came to be to fill that void, jokingly and then not-jokingly titled That Time We Fought God For Child Custody.

Kaiju had a more defined short narrative and a set number of characters from the get-go. Its also got enough variety in the cast, environments and character interactions to serve its purpose as a practice comic better than Cats* ever could. Kaiju will hopefully succeed and make Cats* self-destructing as a practice project a ‘made to be’ thing.

Kaiju comes with the added bonus that the test comic could act as a pilot of sorts. It has the room for expansion, but expansion isn’t baked into its core.

Which character are you quiz link Spotify playlist link

LATEST UPDATE: 08.05.22: Page updates as progress continues!


18.04.22: Comic page created. Update summary Update summary Update summary Update summary

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When a giant monster emerged from the ocean and wreaked havoc, humanity rose to destroy it. The great losses to life made the victory bittersweet, and it would take the appearances of many more kaiju before humanity honed their defensive strategies to win swiftly with minimal loss and damage. The stability and security of tried and true tactics soon proved false as the kaiju later named Deusvenator- “god hunter”- swept across the northern continents, decimating cities and razing the land in its path. A radical new defence strategy emerged; if you can’t beat them, have one of them join you.

Several decades later, the United Nations Kaiju Defence Program has been raising and training young kaiju to defend against any kaiju that dares threaten humanity again, including the dreaded Deusvenator.

Now, as kaiju activity surges once more in the indopacific, with the horrifying tell-tale biosignatures of a Deusvenator, one such young kaiju is about to be put to the ultimate test, and their existence and alliance made clear to their kin. How other kaiju will react to a man-raised traitor couldn’t be less certain.


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Empty Kady

MTOKDP-7 | They/them | 12-14yo equivalent | Auritatitan | Awkward teen build

One of the young kaiju raised as a defensive weapon for humanity, Massive Terrestrial Organism of the Kaiju Defence Program 07 (MTOKDP-07), or just “Empty Kady” as they’ve become known as, has never met another kaiju and believes the humans around them are their family. Empty’s unknowingly faced many trials and tribulations in their young life, their human keepers not nearly knowledgeable enough on Auritatitans to raise one without plenty of health scares along the way. As proof to the competency and dedication of the people working with Empty, they are the only Auritatian of the large litter humans obtained to have survived this long.

Empty is an amiable, naive kid who wants to do good, be good and be recognised for their goodness. Empty would never purposefully stir trouble and is deeply apologetic and guilt-ridden when they do cause problems. That doesn’t stop their gregarious and needy nature from sliding into mischief if they’re not regularly interacting with the humans they’re close to, and, unfortunately, very little mischief is harmless when you’re the size of a semi. At least they’re outgoing and adventurous so often can entertain themself with exploring the world around them or investigating even the mundane. Their view of that world is still very black and white though.

Fern Ginkgo

Fern Ginkgo | They/them | 28 | Human | 1.8m tall; lean average build | MTOKDP-7's primary handler

Character summary - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus semper hendrerit. Nunc dictum tellus non aliquet dictum. Nam tempor sem at imperdiet pulvinar. In tempus arcu vitae tempor feugiat. Nullam faucibus neque leo, ac vehicula ex rhoncus vitae. In lobortis nunc eu massa lacinia, quis tempus lectus interdum. Mauris porta mollis nisi, non malesuada dui. Integer vel lectus finibus, venenatis nulla non, aliquam lorem. Nunc pulvinar ex quis nunc sagittis, a feugiat sapien posuere. Nunc et nisl eget lectus vulputate venenatis nec sed augue. In tempor ultricies quam, ac porta ante vulputate at. Curabitur gravida blandit quam vel ullamcorper. Nulla viverra sagittis risus, a sodales metus mattis eget. Vestibulum at nibh condimentum, commodo nibh nec, accumsan urna. Nulla lacinia nunc sit amet viverra faucibus.

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Liz Dee

Elizabethanidia Dee | She/her | 35 | Human | 1.7m tall; solidly built | Zoologist/archeaologist

Character summary - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus semper hendrerit. Nunc dictum tellus non aliquet dictum. Nam tempor sem at imperdiet pulvinar. In tempus arcu vitae tempor feugiat. Nullam faucibus neque leo, ac vehicula ex rhoncus vitae. In lobortis nunc eu massa lacinia, quis tempus lectus interdum. Mauris porta mollis nisi, non malesuada dui. Integer vel lectus finibus, venenatis nulla non, aliquam lorem. Nunc pulvinar ex quis nunc sagittis, a feugiat sapien posuere. Nunc et nisl eget lectus vulputate venenatis nec sed augue. In tempor ultricies quam, ac porta ante vulputate at. Curabitur gravida blandit quam vel ullamcorper. Nulla viverra sagittis risus, a sodales metus mattis eget. Vestibulum at nibh condimentum, commodo nibh nec, accumsan urna. Nulla lacinia nunc sit amet viverra faucibus.

Rick Levi

Dr Richard Levi | He/him | 39 | Human | 1.9m tall; limp noodle of a man | Marine biologist

Character summary - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus semper hendrerit. Nunc dictum tellus non aliquet dictum. Nam tempor sem at imperdiet pulvinar. In tempus arcu vitae tempor feugiat. Nullam faucibus neque leo, ac vehicula ex rhoncus vitae. In lobortis nunc eu massa lacinia, quis tempus lectus interdum. Mauris porta mollis nisi, non malesuada dui. Integer vel lectus finibus, venenatis nulla non, aliquam lorem. Nunc pulvinar ex quis nunc sagittis, a feugiat sapien posuere. Nunc et nisl eget lectus vulputate venenatis nec sed augue. In tempor ultricies quam, ac porta ante vulputate at. Curabitur gravida blandit quam vel ullamcorper. Nulla viverra sagittis risus, a sodales metus mattis eget. Vestibulum at nibh condimentum, commodo nibh nec, accumsan urna. Nulla lacinia nunc sit amet viverra faucibus.

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Rasp | He/him | Mid-late 50s equivalent | Deusvenator | Stocky/burly brawler build

Character summary - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam faucibus semper hendrerit. Nunc dictum tellus non aliquet dictum. Nam tempor sem at imperdiet pulvinar. In tempus arcu vitae tempor feugiat. Nullam faucibus neque leo, ac vehicula ex rhoncus vitae. In lobortis nunc eu massa lacinia, quis tempus lectus interdum. Mauris porta mollis nisi, non malesuada dui. Integer vel lectus finibus, venenatis nulla non, aliquam lorem. Nunc pulvinar ex quis nunc sagittis, a feugiat sapien posuere. Nunc et nisl eget lectus vulputate venenatis nec sed augue. In tempor ultricies quam, ac porta ante vulputate at. Curabitur gravida blandit quam vel ullamcorper. Nulla viverra sagittis risus, a sodales metus mattis eget. Vestibulum at nibh condimentum, commodo nibh nec, accumsan urna. Nulla lacinia nunc sit amet viverra faucibus.


Hiik | She/her | Late 60s-early 70s equivalent | Megalocephalaspis | Athletic/leanly muscled

On the surface, Hiik lacks the renowned horrendous temperament and intense aggression renowned in her species. With a relaxed, level-headed demeanour, she’s a voice of reason who’s amassed a worldly wisdom and graciousness in her people skills over a long life. She’s patient, observant and always thinks before she acts, lacking the reactiveness common in many of her kin. She’s no emotional creature of eternal peace and soothing calm though. A force of nature, she’s wildly fierce and passionate, the great emotional power inherent to her species being channelled into a force to protect and empower people. She’s maternal and community-orientated, deeply loyal and dedicated to those around her. She’s become highly respected and appraised in her colony, regarded as a protective force and guiding voice.

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Kaiju is set on an alternate universe Earth where everything is the same except there’s kaiju. Except, y’know, cause there’s giant monsters running around (or not running, gotta rep those plant kaiju too), a lot of things are different.

In-universe, humans classify kaiju as any organism that has DNA with distinct components at much higher rates than in non-kaiju organisms. A lot of them are massive, but not all of them, and there’s plenty of variation in sizes different kaiju species come in.

Kaiju have weird DNA ‘cause they’re aliens, sort of. Their ancestors were introduced to Earth hundreds of millions of years ago by genetically altering existing native lineages by really big brain alien kaiju, who monitored and tweaked their engineered kaiju to create organisms to their liking. Then Earth, as it is very good at, had a couple of mass extinctions and the maintenance work was too much effort for the aliens so they gave up and abandoned the project, leaving their introduced kaiju to whatever fate the shitshow of a planet gave them. The kaiju evolved, lots went extinct, some lineages became sapient and there’s a decent number of species still around in modern times. Really I just wanted more in-universe justification for the giant monsters to be commonly called kaiju/“strange beast” and half-aliens are gonna be strange compared to true Earth natives also ‘they’re literally fucking aliens’ is funny to me. The characters don’t know this though.

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