A team of scientists, a child, and the monster that nearly wiped out humanity...

When a giant monster first crawled out of the ocean and wreaked havoc, humanity rose to destroy it. The great losses to life made the victory bittersweet. It took the appearances of many more of these strange beasts- "kaiju"- mysteriously emerging for humanity to hone their defensive strategies to avoid, deter and, if it ultimately came to be, kill these monsters swiftly with minimal loss and damage.

People felt safe. They trusted the tried and true anti-kaiju strategies.

That confidence shattered when the beast that would come to be called the Deusvenator- “god hunter”- began its reign of terror. It swept across the northern continents, decimating cities and razing the land. Humanity was powerless to halt its path of destruction. The tragedy only ended when the beast vanished as mysteriously as it had emerged.

But in the wake of devastation, and with the looming threat of it returning or another even more powerful kaiju emerging, a radical new defence strategy was proposed; if you can’t beat ‘em, have one of them join you.

Since then, the United Nations Kaiju Defence Program has been raising and training young kaiju to defend against anything that dares threaten humanity again, including the dreaded Deusvenator.

On an isolated island chosen to be the home of one such human-raised kaiju, a team of scientists has been cautiously watching a surge of kaiju activity in the indopacific. When the tell-tale signs of humanity’s most lethal adversary begin to appear, their hand is forced. It’s time to put their young kaiju to the ultimate test.

Will humanity’s plan work? How will other kaiju react to a man-raised traitor? Nothing is certain.

Find out in That Time We Fought a God for Child Custody!

…you might be able to guess what happens. :P


In 2021 I went “if I could make a Godzilla cartoon starring Anguirus, what would it be?” and the idea that bloomed was one where Anguirus, famous for losing fights but also being good friends with Godzilla, was raised by humanity to protect them from Godzilla. Godzilla goes “this has got to be a joke” and shenanigans ensue.

The concept was so entertaining to me I immediately filed off the serial numbers and made it my own thing. Except this time concepts were pushed further and the kaiju threatening humanity goes “is that a child?? whose child is this??” and pulls out the adoption papers. Now the team raising the child finds themselves getting dragged into Kaiju Shenanigans, Petty Drama And Conspiracies (but it's mostly Petty Drama) they definitely did not sign up for.

Thus was born That Time We Fought A God For Child Custody (TTWFAGFCC), or just CC cause whoa that’s a long one. What can I say, it was a joke name that stuck. CC’s a Saturday Morning Cartoons-vibe kaiju genre and tropes to its core project.

CC was originally intended to be a short practice comic after the last project that was supposed to be a short practice comic got extremely unwieldy and had to be shelved for the sake of my sanity. It is currently… a lot of things and also nothing in particular. Short stories and zines based on its characters and world already exist, and I’ve got plenty more mini-projects currently in the works. Whether or not that comic will eventually exist is not something I can currently say. Right now, CC’s definitely something I’m enjoying the process of exploring different creative pursuits with, rather than focusing on an end goal.

Anguirus is my favourite Godzilla character btw


Things that go bump in the night (and destroy buildings) (2024): a short story

Some of the Kaiju of That Time We Fought A God For Child Custody (2024): a bestiary in the form of a test mini art/info zine. Which, um. I don't know where I put it LMAO

A Kaiju’s Guide to Kaiju (WIP): a bestiary

They dropped a bomb on it (WIP): a short story anthology

…for lack of a better word, “merch” (WIP): stickers! bookmarks! keychains! other doodads! OC merch, because I can and want to!

For general art and writing related to CC, see the Museum.