Here's all of my creative projects! I do a variety of things to scratch a variety of creative itches. Mosts are critters or characters and the worlds they inhabit or stories they live in. Others are creative hobbies like resin crafting. I want to achieve something with some of them, while others are all about the joys and trials of the creative process.

Check 'em out! There's so many I've included a navigation bar for this page haha Some of them even have enough going on that they've got their own dedicated page linked too.

Narrative and Character Projects

Narrative projects. Projects with story. Maybe one day I'll tell those stories.

That Time We Fought God For Child Custody: If you can't beat the giant monsters crawling out of the ocean and destroying your cities, have some of them join you. Since a clataclismic kaiju attack on the northern continents several decades ago, humanity has been raising and training young kaiju to defend itself. With the tell-tale signs of one of humanity's most lethal adversaries reemerging, it's time to put one such young kaiju to the ultimate test, and their existence and alliance made clear to their kin. How other kaiju will react to a man-raised traitor couldn’t be less certain. Kaiju genre and tropes to its core. Saturday Morning Cartoon vibes project.

New Pangaea: Over the horizon of Pangaea’s sprawling coasts lie ancient hills rich with a newly discovered ore with the capacity to launch the world into a technological revolution. However, those hills belong to the land-tenders and farmers of generations old who aren’t quite on board with their home and livelihoods being so swiftly thrown aside by these no good wealthy prospectors. Basically: Dinosaur cowboys! Western setting with sci-fi and steampunk flavouring.

Blink Eyes: Previously 'All Good Witches Have Cats*'. A tiny, sleepy corner of the science-fantasy world, Amaria, finds its people swept up in the crumbling syndicate of a mythicised tyranical outlander when the bodies of his discarded unsavouries begin appearing in their woods. Science-fantasy thriller, definitely the darkest and least Saturday Morning Cartoon of my projects.

My Roommate is a Human: When monsters suddenly burst into existence numbering in the millions, humanity was devastated. Pure resilience and determination in the face of annhilation saw humanity through their darkest hours, and they're well on their way to fully reclaiming a transformed Earth. My Roommate is a Human follows Rhese Chadwick, a young vampire pushed out of his small rural farming hometown by a rapidly changing world. Forced into humanity's domain, it's adapt or die and he'll need a resilience his species is renowned for lacking. Monster of the Week-style episodic modern fantasy/supernatural.

Untitled Kaiju Project: TBA...

Worldbuilding Projects

Projects for when, a) world or species-crafting is more enticing than story or character-crafting, or b) What is This Thing/How Does This Thing Work and How Can I Play With It? deep dives scratch the itch.

Amaria: A science-fantasy superearth inhabited by sparkle humans and other variously sparkled organisms built from the ground up. Expect write-ups ranging from a broad overview of the solar system to niche elements of human culture, and everything in between. Amaria is the setting of Blink Eyes.

Cryptopia: "Cryptopia" for lack of a better name. A world resulting from pocket dimensions filled with cryptids and monsters collapsing and spilling their inhabitants onto modern day Earth. The focus of this project is less wholistic like Amaria and more mockumentary-style write-ups of the extradimensional creatures that now inhabit the Earth through the lens of humanity's cryptozoologists attempting to provide current information to the general populace. Think Dragonology and similar works. Cryptopia is the setting of My Roommate is a Human.

Crafting Projects

Sometimes I do craftsy things. It's mostly resin and by mostly I mean entirely resin and the things I create are currently almost exclusively dice. Since it's only one (1) thing, it doesn't have its own page dedicated to it.
A collage of three photos of various resin dice.

Resin dice: I collected crystals as a kid and the maths rocks I was introduced to when I started playing TTRPGs tapped into that, so, yes, Dice Goblin I am. I had more sets than I needed when I stumbled on a glittery dinosaur confetti dice set on Etsy with over 60$ shipping to Australia and I half-jokingly said to some mates that it'd be some combination of cheaper, easier and quicker to just make my own.

A dice making research deep dive, a few hundred dollars and many dice made by own hand later and I haven't recreated that set I saw, but I am enjoying a new hobby.

I'm not the most competent or artistic resin crafter, and I still have a lot to learn (who knew resin was so sensitive to density differences???). I'm definitely enjoying that problem-solving and troubleshooting aspect of the craft and am eager to keep trying new things. I hope that one day I feel confident enough in my skills to save up for a carno logo'd set of masters to create dice that are undeniably Me.


Collaborative storytelling. So far I haven't been the one running anything, so it's not rivalling the time or energy sunk into many of my other projects. That won't last forever if I have it my way, though creating DnD campaigns and whatnot is shoved down in the basement where its dying cries are just loud enough to keep me up at night.

Dungeons and Dragons: Dungeons and Dragons is one of those things that kinda came into my realm of awareness over a few years but I wasn’t fully onboard until I was.

Some mates were also interested and on impulse one day we devised a plan to crossover our OCs into DnDland for a campaign. It was a short-lived (well, 'short-lived' in comparison to some campaigns) traditional style DnD campaign full of exploration and combat, with our mismatched party trying to uncover the secrets of the mysterious portals that brought them together in an alien world. I played Blink Eyes’ Vin as a human ranger and That Time We Fought A God For Child Custody's Rasp as a homebrew race fighter.

The campaign gave me a taste for DnD, so I've got a couple of one-shots I'd like to DM on the backburner.

... and I'm a Dice Goblin now.

Cropped DnD artwork from WotC of some adventurers ready to fight a dragon.


Meraki Weyr: In late 2019, I was introduced to The Dragonriders of Pern series. It's an old science-fantasy novel series starring humans psychically bonded to alien telepathic, telekinetic, teleporting, time-travelling fire-breathing dragons bioengineered from lil lizard dudes. They have all the nonsense you’d expect from books written in the 60s even if they were considered progressive for the time, and are about the quality you’d expect from novels made by duct taping short stories together.

Yet there's something about the setting that makes it very captivating in a pick-and-choose the lore sandbox-type way. There's a huge roleplay community that has created hundreds of variations of the setting because of that over the years.

The group I'm in is Meraki Weyr. They’ve got a great community and an open slice-of-life style setting that does away with the elements that just don't fly in current times. I write three characters there, two as AU versions of Blink Eyes characters and the third a Meraki-original.

Cropped artwork by Mistywren of a portrait of a Pern dragon.


Other Projects

Cropped screenshot of the HTML file of this page.

This website: In primary school I did a course on HTML and website building, understood and absorbed jackshit. Every time I had an encounter with HTML since then, I had no idea what I was looking at let alone how to use it. HTML’s not even a “real” coding language and it never clicked for me. Then I was told there were these CSS and javascript and other things which hung out with HTML to make it function??? What do you mean it’s not just HTML itself I have to learn?!

But a friend introduced me to neocities, and the often frustrating and confusing process of learning website making and coding is honestly fun. I'm not good at it, and likely am not putting in enough time to learn it properly either, and I don't have a designer’s eye, but I guess that will be everyone else’s and also my perfectionism’s problem. Maybe I'll actually learn coding and it'll be a good site one day.

The Trophy Case - Completed Projects

Flight Rising - dragon clan lore: There's a big culture around creating lore for your clan(s) of dragons on Flight Rising. After a decade of on-off playing the game, I decided it was time to actually sit down and turn the scrappy notes and ideas I had for my dragons and their clans into short character bios for all of them. I have two clans, "Chromatic Crims" and "Desert Pirates". They're kinda goofy villains. The crims are super dysfunctional while the pirates are having a great time, the two clans seem to hate each other, but maybe there's more going on than initially seems. It's loose and rough and doesn't have nearly the level of care I'd usually put into a project, but after a decade done on the first pass really is good enough. Completed 01/10/2024.

The Graveyard - Old Works and Abandoned Projects

The Curse and The Cure: I loved drawing random sparkle wolves and then turning them into OCs in early high school. A friend did too. So our edgy teenaged selves collaborated to create a comic about wolves that were cursed to turn into mutant wolf-spider hybrids. It wasn't very good and if my memory is actually serving me for once, it faded out when she moved schools. But we enjoyed it while it lasted. I haven't seen that friend since high school, but I hope she's doing well.

Break the Barrier: I also loved drawing random dragons and then turning them into OCs in early high school. I had so many I decided to make them a team of dragons that fought an all-powerful evil dragon that had been sealed away in a pocket dimension. Conspiracies were afoot and there was something off about the whole scheme of the stronger team of dragons that sealed the evil dragon away. So, our main team breaks the barrier and all of hell's set loose. I think this project died cause it wasn't as epic or edgy as teenage me liked, which leads to...

Parahuman Wars: One of my first attempts at intentionally writing a serious original story. It combined a love of test tube critters, super soliders, weird and wacky biology, body horror, and completely wild and unecessary gore and violence. It was extremely a very specific era of my teenage years. Nothing beyond incredibly edgy short stories and a few opening chapters ever came of it. Except if you ever see some character of mine floating around called Io (or Nael or Storm, he went through and by a couple of names), that guy's from this.